Business value monitoring ontology
The value derived from business programs, initiatives, and projects is significantly influenced by their context. For more insights, refer to our Business Value Monitoring article.
This highlights the necessity for a systematic and digital approach to model the business context, enabling consistent measurement of added value across various endeavors.
Enterprise architecture
This ontology is based on existing standards for business or enterprise architecture namely:
Standardized (for humans and machines) the concepts and theirĀ relationships characterizing business added value.
Having machine-readable and -actionable standards is a prerequisite for:
- transparent value attribution (from source to target)
- automation
- of value estimation
- reporting
- insight generation (value across projects, gap identification, risk awarness,…)
Who would benefit from it?
Any organization willing to
- define and measure the business value of its endavour s in a methodical and digital way
- transparently linking digital assets and the value they contribute to generate