by ccberger | 2025-Feb-Thu | article
Who has knowledge has power over those who don’t know. Prerequisite definitions True knowledge refers to an understanding that aligns with reality, reflecting how things genuinely occur in the observable world. It is grounded in evidence and demonstrated through...
by ccberger | 2025-Jan-Wed | article
Generative AI Generative AI is a buzzword that has gained significant attention in technology discussions. It involves algorithms that use statistical methods to analyze and create content, recognizing complex patterns in data (mostly unstructured such as text). The...
by ccberger | 2024-Dec-Mon | article
Since the publication of the “Data sobriety and sovereignty” article in the Tech-Exec magazine, I get many questions about the concept of “techno-messianism”. This article is an attempts to define this concept, how it relates to the notion of...
by ccberger | 2024-Nov-Thu | article
Good, clean and FAIR data for all !! FAIR principles FAIR principles is a set of guidelines aimed at improving the management and stewardship of data focusing on data Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability. FAIR Principles were introduced in...
by ccberger | 2024-Oct-Fri | article
Less but Better Drawing inspiration from the slow food movement, slow business promotes a transition from a frenetic pace focused on short-term returns to a mindful emphasis on long-term value-driven outcomes. Today’s fast-paced economy, fuelled by the burning...